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We are committed to providing high-quality promotional products while ensuring our practices positively impact the environment and society. Our goal is to help you make informed choices and understand the importance of sustainability in branded merchandise.

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Handpicked and Ethically Sourced Promotional Products

At Ethical Swag, we only work with suppliers that have passed strict audits related to social compliance, environmental impact, product safety, supply chain security and product quality. We look for sustainable goods which includes recycled content, organic, biodegradable, etc., we watch carbon footprint when shipping and make sure there is no green washing with our suppliers. As a Certified B Corp, we opened up and were audited to a global sustainability standard so that you know you can trust us. It's important to us because it's not what you say, but what you do, that matters.

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You can choose products that are compostable as these are more earth friendly  Products to consider include:






Wheat Straw




Can it be repaired? We encourage you to choose quality over quantity.

Do you know how much you will need?  Can you do “choice based” (we can help with that!) to avoid waste. We want to work with you to avoid over-purchasing.

We encourage you to make sustainable choices.


Can it be repaired? We encourage you to choose quality over quantity.

Do you know how much you will need?  Can you do “choice based” (we can help with that!) to avoid waste. We want to work with you to avoid over-purchasing.

We encourage you to make sustainable choices.

Plastic Waste

Can it be repaired? We encourage you to choose quality over quantity.

Do you know how much you will need?  Can you do “choice based” (we can help with that!) to avoid waste. We want to work with you to avoid over-purchasing.

We encourage you to make sustainable choices.

Electronic Waste

Can it be repaired? We encourage you to choose quality over quantity.

Do you know how much you will need?  Can you do “choice based” (we can help with that!) to avoid waste. We want to work with you to avoid over-purchasing.

We encourage you to make sustainable choices.

Definition of Sustainability

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) has the following definition of sustainability in promo. Our CEO, Tara Milburn, sits on the PPAI sustainability committee where we are working hard to forward the agenda within the industry.

Sustainability in the promotional products industry refers to the practice of creating, sourcing, producing and distributing promotional items in a manner that minimizes negative environmental & social impacts while supporting long term economic viability.

This approach emphasizes responsible stewardship of resources and strives to balance the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable practices in the promotional products industry encompass various key principles:
  1. Environmental Responsibility: Sustainable promo products prioritize environmentally friendly materials, reduced waste and lower carbon footprints. This involves using certifiably recycled or biodegradable materials, minimizing energy / resource consumption and adopting environmentally friendly production processes. This can include significantly reducing water use or ensuring any water used in production processes is restored prior to reintroduction to the environment.
  2. Social Equity: Sustainability extends to the well-being of the workforce involved in the industry, ensuring fair labour practices, safe working conditions and ethical treatment of workers in all stages of the supply chain. It also promotes diversity, equity, inclusion and community engagement. This can include fair trade initiatives, philanthropic efforts and consumer education on how their buying choices can support ethical practices.
  3. Economic Viability: Sustainable promotional products are designed to ensure the long-term economic viability of businesses within the industry. This involves cost efficiency measures, fair pricing and an acknowledgment of the economic impact on both local AND global communities. Fair pricing should reflect not only production costs but also encompass ethical and environmental considerations. Sustainable practices also involve building resilient supply chains to minimize disruptions in production and distribution.
  4. Product Life Cycle Considerations: Sustainable promotional products take into account the entire lifecycle of a product, from design and manufacturing to transportation, use and disposal. This approach encourages product durability, repairability and product circularity potential. Transportation plays a large part in this consideration for all parties involved – manufacturers, suppliers and distributors should all consider eco-friendly transportation options such as consolidating shipments to reduce emissions, using energy-efficient vehicles and optimizing distribution routes.
  5. Transparency & Accountability: Industry stakeholders are committed to transparency in their practices, providing clear information about the sustainability of their products and operations. They also hold themselves accountable for their environmental and social impact, regularly reviewing and improving their practices through third party audits, certifications and data sharing for industry improvement opportunities.
  6. Innovation & Research: The industry actively seeks innovative solutions and research to reduce its ecological footprint and develop new materials and processes that align with sustainability goals. This includes exploring new materials, production techniques and technologies that can reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance the usability / durability of products.

These key principles together take a holistic approach that strives to protect the environment, support social well being and maintain the industry’s economic viability throughout production and distribution of promo products. It is a commitment to a responsible, ethical and enduring approach to business that respects both people and the planet. 


How can you find the best product for your company?

We work to be very transparent in our sourcing of products for you. Please take a look at how we rate the products to make it easy to find what you are looking for!